Y1 Notes: Homeostasis

❌🧇 Notes: Y1 FHMP – homeostasis Similar resources: fhmphistology homeostasis, negative feedback, feed forward, positive feedback, molarity, osmolarity, molality, osmolality, hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic, osmotic pressure

Y1 Notes: Anatomy

❌🧇 Notes: Y1 FHMP – anatomy Similar resources: y1FHMPPhysiology joints, synovial, cartilaginous, fibrous, vertebrae, spine, dermatomes, myotome, lymphatics, thoracic duct, right lymphatic duct

Y1 Notes: Pharmacology

❌🧇 Notes: Y1 FHMP – Pharmacology Similar resources: fhmphistology receptor, agonists, antagonist, ED50, TD50, LD50, ligand-gated, G-Protein, Kinase-linked, Nuclear receptor

Video: Tubuloglomerular feedback in DCT & Autoregulation

Video: Tubuloglomerular feedback in the DCT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTUyMPCIJ9Y&t=23s Keywords: Anselm Zbedik, FNM, kidney, kidneys Macula Densa Cells, Juxtaglomerular apparatus, JGA, MD cells autoregulation, adenosine, afferent arteriole, GFR

Video: The Thick Ascending Limb of Loop of Henle (TALH)

Video: The DCT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ctKjFEkchc Keywords: Anselm Zbedik, FNM, kidney, kidneys Thick ascending limb,  TALH , LoH , countercurrent exchange , counter current multiplier  loop of Henle, NKCC2 channel, ROMK, Type 4a Barrters syndrome – polyhydroaminos & deafness in babies Clc-Ka/Barrtin , Barrter’s syndrome, Furosemide


Video: The DCT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-vtYHfEFY8&t=758s Keywords: Anselm Zbedik, FNM, DCT , claudin, kidney, distal convoluted tubule, proximal straight tubule, NCC channel, Thiazides,  Gitelman’s  syndrome, Gittelman’s syndrome , EAST syndrome,