Y2 OCaPE: Pharm – Epigastric Pain

❌🧇 OCaPE: Pharm #2Aspirin Pharm Difficulty  3/5 Reset ⏲️ Following his STEMI, Greef Karga is prescribed Aspirin for his heart.   Discuss this case with Cara, a student nurse who has some questions about Aspirin 5 minutes Q1) Hi there, I was wondering what class of drug Aspirin is? Show answer to Q1 NSAID […]

Y2 Pharm Theory Notes: Absorption of Drugs

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 pharm theory – absorption and distribution of drugs Similar resources: Y2PharmTheory, Y2Pharm, Absorption, distribution , ESR, partition coefficient, enteral, parenteral, ion trapping, bioavailability 

Y2 Pharm Notes : Depression & Bipolar | NSB

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 pharm – depression & bipolar disorder | NSB Similar resources: Neuropharm  DepressionPharm • Unipolar Depressiono reactive, non-familial: association with stressful life events/ anxiety/agitationo endogenous, familial: distinct symptomology unrelated to stress• Bipolar Depressiono depression alternating with mania over a few weeks.o strong hereditary tendencyo BP1- maniao BP2- hypomania Depression is a deficiency of […]

Y2 Pharm Notes: Cancer Chemotherapy

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 pharm – cancer chemotherapy Similar resources: Paraneoplastic Syndrome: Cachexia: Hormone Based therapy • Protein Kinases inhibitors • Monoclonal antibodies • antineoplastic drugs • cell based therapies Goldie-Coldman hypothesis: o the probability of a resistance cell occurring = number of cells x mutation rate • Combining drugs works better if: o there is […]

Y2 Pharm Notes: Antivirals

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 GDC Pharm – antivirals Similar resources: • Viral Life Cycle:1. attachment and entry2. viral nucleic acid replication3. production and processing of viral proteins and coat assembly of virions4. viral release and shedding• Targets:1. attachment2. reverse transcriptase3. viral protease4. viral DNA polymerase5. protein translation and assembly of virus6. inhibit viral shedding• Nucleoside Reverse […]

Y2 Pharm Notes: Antibiotics

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 GDC Pharm – antibiotics Similar resources: GDC pharm immunedrugs  Pharmacology: Pharmacology ofAntibacterial Drugs• bactericidal antibiotics- kill bacteria• bacteriostatic antibiotics- slow bacteria proliferation by lowering divisions• Targets for bacteria:o Cell wall synthesis or destruction▪ gram positive: peptidoglycan (stains purple)▪ gram negative: lipopolysaccharide (stain pink)▪ mycobacteria: mycolic acid▪ fungi: ergosterol cell wall composition▪ beta-lactams […]

Y2 Pharm Notes: Alcohol Drugs

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 esr Pharm – alcohol Similar resources: Y2, ESR Pharm, Alcohol, Y2Pharm , Pharm, carlingdrugs, abv, units, disinhibition, drug calculations, wernicke-korsakoff encephalopathy, thiamine deficiency, zero-order kinetics, aldehyde, dehydrogenase, disulfiram, nmda, acamprosate, naltreone, chlordiazepoxide

Y2: Blood Pressure Pharm Interactive Notes | Pharm Summaries

Interactive Notes: BP Pharm | Y2 Pharm Download as a PDF here (free) ❌🧇 Use the A–>B–>C–>D approach: A ACE Inhibitors Expand – “-pril”.  captopril, ramipril. blocks Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, so angiotensin I cannot be converted to angiotenin II. side effects: dry cough due to bradykinin Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) “-sartan“ losartan blocks angiotensin I […]

Neuropharm interactive summary notes

🖋️ Interactive Notes: Overview of Neuropharm | NSB Download as a PDF here (free) ❌🧇 Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease is a hypokinetic neurological disorder that leads to the degeneration of the substantia nigra pars compacta so less dopamine is produced for the basal ganglia 💊L-DOPA- synthetic dopamine 💊Ropinirole– D2 receptor agonist 💊Apomorphine– D1 and D2 […]