Y2 OCaPE: ESR 2 – Low Cortisol

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #2 Low Cortisol Difficulty  2.7/5 Author: Joel Mitchell  Reset ⏲️ You are a second year medical student at an endocrine clinic. A patient presents: History: HIV positive female Presentation: feels constantly tired and weak, thirsty all the time, low mood and loss of appetite. Persistent weight loss. Persistent cough, fever and […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB 4 – Muscle Electrics Lab

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #4MMB Muscle EMG Lab Difficulty  5/5 Author: Joel Mitchell  Reset ⏲️ 10 minutes | 40 marks Q1) Why is the abductor minimi muscle not stimulated directly? Show answer to Q1 Direct electrical stimulation of muscle causes recruitment of large motor units first as it is the path of least resistance.   […]

Y2 OCaPE: NSB 5 Head & Neck Anatomy

❌🧇 OCaPE: NSB #5 Head & Neck Anatomy Difficulty  4/5 Reset ⏲️ 5 minutes Q1) Diagram A – Label the two sutures shown above Show answer to Q1 Coronal Suture, Saggital suture (1 mark) Q2 What is the condition called when the sutures fuse early? Show answer to Q2 Craniosynostosis (2) Q3 Which suture […]

Y2 OCaPE: NSB 4 Eye Chart Exam

❌🧇 OCaPE: NSB #4Chart for Vision Test Reset ⏲️ Student Scenario: You are a second year medical student at a GP placement. The doctor is performing an eye exam on a patient, using this chart: 5 minutes Q1) What is the name of this chart? Show answer to Q1 SNELLEN Chart (1) Q2 What does […]

Y2 OCaPE: NSB 3 Shuffling Gait

❌🧇 OCaPE: NSB #3 Tremor at rest & slow movements Reset ⏲️ Student Scenario: Mr F presents to your clinic. He complains of a gradual increase in the rigidity of his muscles and has now developed a tremor in his hands whilst at rest. You also notice his movements are slow. 5 minutes Q1) What […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 1 ) Skinny Type 2 Diabetes

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #1Low BMI & Blurry Vision View interactive version below or download this OCaPE as a printable PDF here (free) Reset ⏲️ Student Scenario: A 70-year-old man of South Asian descent presents to youcomplaining that his vision has been getting blurry recently and he has been losing weight. On inspection his BMI is […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB 3 – Johnny Crosses the Road

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #3Timmy Crosses the Road… View interactive version below or download this OCaPE as a printable PDF here (free) Reset ⏲️ Student Scenario: 3-year-old Tommy comes into A&E with his mother, crying in pain. His mother says they were holding hands as they were crossing the road and she pulled his hand to […]

Y2 OCaPE: NSB #2 Hearing Test

❌🧇 OCaPE: NSB #2Hearing Test View interactive version below or download this OCaPE as a printable PDF here (free) Student Scenario: Mr X presents to the GP with complaints of not being able to hear well from his right ear. He also says he hears an annoying ringing sound and sometimes has vertigo. You are […]