Y2 OCaPE: Pharm – Epigastric Pain

❌🧇 OCaPE: Pharm #2Aspirin Pharm Difficulty  3/5 Reset ⏲️ Following his STEMI, Greef Karga is prescribed Aspirin for his heart.   Discuss this case with Cara, a student nurse who has some questions about Aspirin 5 minutes Q1) Hi there, I was wondering what class of drug Aspirin is? Show answer to Q1 NSAID […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 6 – infertility clinic

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #6 Bob & Boberta at the Fertility Clinic Difficulty  3/5 Reset ⏲️ One fine summer’s day, Bobert and Boberta, aged 41 and 36 respectively, present to your fertility clinic. They have been trying for a baby for 25 months, to no success. Taking a history from Boberta reveals her BMI is […]

Y2 OCaPE: NSB8 Muscle Weakness

❌🧇 OCaPE: NSB #8 Muscle weakness & twitches Difficulty  4/5 Reset ⏲️ A patient has come back from holiday and comes in complaining of having difficulty carrying out movements and describes “weakened muscles”. The patient also mentions they have been having annoying twitches in their left arm. 5 minutes Q1) What is the name […]

Y2 OCaPE: NSB 7 Bilateral Paralysis

❌🧇 OCaPE: NSB #7Bilateral Paralysis Difficulty  3.6/5 Reset ⏲️ You are a 2nd year medical student at the GP’s practice. Mrs X, a 68 year old lady, presents on a wheel chair. The GP reveals to you that he has seen Mrs X’s grandchildren recently for a respiratory chest infection, and Mrs X was […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB6 Wrist Issues

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #6Wrist Problems Difficulty  5/5 Reset ⏲️ Timmothy is a writer. He has recently experienced tingling in his hand which has been waking him up at night. He has recently needed to ‘shake his hands out’ more frequently and has found it difficult to type for long periods of time. He is […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 5 Mrs Gertrude’s Banana Slip – Spine

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #5 Mrs Gertrude Slips on a Banana Difficulty  3/5 Reset ⏲️ A 57 year old woman, Gertrude Smith comes to AE after slipping on a banana peel. She is in pain and points to her lower back. You take a CT scan of her lower back Mrs Gerturde enjoys the occasional […]

Y2 OCaPE: NSB 6 Tingling Sensation

❌🧇 OCaPE: NSB #6Tingling Sensation & Limb Problems Difficulty  2.4/5 Reset ⏲️ Mrs S, a forty-year-old female comes to your clinic. She complains of a tingling shooting sensation into her limbs upon flexion of her neck and blurred vision. Upon taking a history you find out she had a temporary vision impairment in one […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 4 Thirst, Fatigue & Polyuria

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #4Thirst, fatigue, polyuria Difficulty  3.6/5 Download this station as a printable PDF here Reset ⏲️ You are a second year medical student at a GP placement. A patient complains of excessive thirst, fatigue, and polyuria. He also has a headache. You measure his Blood Pressure, which is 170/95.   5 minutes […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB5 Muscle Physiology

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #5Muscle Physiology Weight Lifting Competition Difficulty  3.6/5 Reset ⏲️ Ibrahim is training for a weight lifting competition. He constantly works out, but one day he couldn’t go to training complaining of stiffness in his back and pain down his leg. 5 minutes Q1) What type of muscle fibre is used in […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 3 Pregnancy Test

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #3Pregnancy Test Difficulty  3.6/5 Reset ⏲️ You are a second year medical student at a reproductive health clinic. A patient presents: A lady has just come into the clinic and says she is pregnant following a pregnancy test!   The lady says however that she has lost a lot of weight, […]