Flashcard: Arthritis (osteoarthritis & rheumatoid)

❌🧇 Flashcard: rheumathoid & osteoarthritis | MMB Similar resources: MMBGold MMB Gold  OtherMMBDiseases ,  Alan Bates,  Tim Arnett, James Glanville,  DMARDs, Gabapentin, NSAIDs, LOSS, amitriptyline , osteotomy, aggrecans,  pannus, xray x-ray, hal drb1, rheumatoid factor RF, ulnar deviaition, glucocortiocids,  methotrexate, rituximab, TNF-a infliximab CTLA4 blcok abatacept, il-6 tocilizumab 

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on Degenerative Conditions of Joints

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – DEGENERATIVE CONDITIONS OF JOINTS Similar resources: othermmbdiseases synovium, joints, arthritis, osteoarthritis, heberden’s nodes, LOSS, flaking, fibrillation, eburnation, congenital dislocation of the hip, CDH, CAT IN BED

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – BONE AND SOFT TISSUE TUMOURS Similar resources:  OtherMMBDiseases metaplasia, dysplasia, neoplasia, anaplasia, carcinoma, sarcoma, lipoma, uterine fibroid, giant cell tumour of bone, chondrosarcoma, Codman’s triangle, osteosarcoma

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on The Red Hot Joint

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – THE RED HOT JOINT Similar resources:  OtherMMBDiseases rubor, calor, tumor, dolor, functio laesa, inflammation, red hot joint, gout, septic arthritis  Cardinal Signs of Inflammation:• Rubor- (redness) dilation of blood vessels• Calor- (heat) increased blood flow/ chemical mediators• Tumor- (swelling) oedema (fluid in extracellular space)• Dolor- (pain) stretching of tissues due […]

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on Infections of Bones, Joints and Muscles

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – Infection of bones, joints, and muscles Similar resources:  OtherMMBDiseases Bacteria that cause infections:• Osteomyelitis:o staphylococcus aureus (treat with IV clindamycin 2 days, then oral for 20days)o mycobacterium tuberculosis• Joints:o staphylococcus aureuso staphylococcus epidermidiso various anaerobic bacteria• Muscles:o streptococcus pyogeneso clostridium perfringensRoutes of bone infections:• haematogenous osteomyelitis – via circulation (common […]

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on Bones

❌🧇 🖋️ Notes: Y2 MMB – BONES Cell & Molecular Biology of Bone Bone Disorders Joint Replacements Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Similar resources: osteoblasts, osteoclasts, arthritis, osteocytes, MMBGold MMB Gold cathepsin K, ALP, woven, lamellar, cortical, cancellous, trabecular, PTH, vitamin D, osteoporosis, sclerosteosis, Paget’s, calcitonin, osteogenesis imperfecta, hip  replacement, osteointegration, menopause,  MMBAnatomyTips

OCAPE: Y2 MMB Pathology

❌🧇 OCAPE: Y2 MMB Pathology Similar resources: osteoblasts, osteoclasts, arthritis, LOSS

Video: Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis

Video: Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis | MMBmarised Similar resources: Keywords: Alan Bates , Bones, James Glanville, Tony Dickenson, Kristine Oleinika OtherMMBDiseases Articular Cartilage Timestamps: 0:00 2:35 Osteoarthritis / degenerative joint disease 3:00 Structure of healthy cartilage – aggrecan and hyaluronan 3:53 Crepitus 4:55 Osteophytes/ Heberden’s Nodes 6:10 X ray Osteoarthritis (LOSS) 7:36 Other causes of […]