NSB Neuroscience Notes: Pain

❌🧇 Notes: nsb pain Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo,   NSBNeuro ,  • Pain: an unpleasant emotional and sensory experience associated with or resemblingthat associated with actual or potential tissue damage• Nociception: the neural process of encoding and processing noxious stimuli• pain is highly individual and subjective• pain […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Sensory Transduction & Receptors

❌🧇 Notes: nsb somatosensory system 1 – transduction & receptors Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo,   NSBNeuro ,  N&B Neuroscience: SomatosensorySystem 1 – Sensory Transduction andReceptors• all somatosensory input arrives via axons of sensory neurones of dorsal rootganglion (sensory neurones surrounded by satellite cells)Skin Receptors: o Superficial: (GerMan’s)▪ […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Disorders of Movement

❌🧇 Notes: nsb disorders of movement Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo,   NSBNeuro , NSBMovement N&B Neuroscience: Motor Control 4 –Disorders of Movement• Spasticity- resistance to movement unidirectional (velocity dependent)• Rigidity- resistance to movement bidirectional (not velocity dependent)• Ataxia- loss of co-ordination in the action of muscles• Akinesia- […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Learning & Memory 2

❌🧇 Notes: nsb learning & memory 2 Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo,   NSBNeuro N&B Neuroscience: Learning and Memory 2Procedural/ Non-declarative Memory: • Non-associative learning-o Habituation- the gradual waning of a response with repeated presentations of a stimulus (tapping of a tree branch on a window)o Sensitization- the […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Motor Control 2

❌🧇 Notes: nsb motor control 2 – motor cortex Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo,   NSBNeuro Descending Motor Pathways: o Corticospinal and rubrospinal = control fine, fractionated, and voluntary movements of limbs and fingers o Vestibulospinal and Tectospinal = control neck and head posture o Reticulospinal = controls […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Learning & Memory

❌🧇 Notes: nsb neuroscience – learning & memory 1 Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo,   NSBNeuro Learning- the acquisition of new information or knowledge• Memory- the retention of learned informationo Declarative memory- memories or facts that are accessed throughconscious recollection▪ episodic memory- recalling a specific event in time▪ […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Somatosensory System 2

❌🧇 Notes: nsb neuroscience – somatosensory pathways Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo,   NSBNeuro 3 major spinal sensory pathways to the brain: o dorsal column medial lemniscus- discriminative touch o spinothalamic tract- pain and temperature o spinocerebellar tract- proprioception of legs and lower trunk (uses Clarke’s column) ▪ […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Swallowing & Speech

❌🧇 Notes: nsb neuroscience – swallowing & speech Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo, NSBMovement,  NSBNeuro N&B Neuroscience: Swallowing and SpeechSwallowing:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQm5RCz9Pxc 1. Oral Phaseo Jaw needs to open (to eat food)▪ lateral pterygoid (CN Viii)▪ digastric anterior belly (CN Viii)▪ mylohyoid (CN Viii)▪ geniohyoid (C1 cervical plexus)o Jaw […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Consciousness, Sleep and Coma

❌🧇 Notes: nsb neuroscience – Consciousness, Sleep and Coma Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo, NSBMovement,  NSBNeuro N&B Neuroscience: States ofConsciousness, Sleep and ComaEEG – Electroencephalogram10-20 EEG electrode configuration: • high density EEG recording uses 64 electrodes• EEG recording can be bipolar or unipolaro unipolar- recordings made against […]

NSB Neuroscience Notes: Vestibular & Locomotor Control

❌🧇 Notes: nsb neuroscience -vestibular & motor control Similar resources: Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo, NSBMovement, NSBEar, NSBNeuro N&B Neuroscience: Vestibular and Locomotor Systems Vestibular Systems: • Utricle and Saccule detect linear acceleration • Semi-circular canals detect angular acceleration • Descending Vestibulospinal System: o takes information from the vestibular […]