Y2 OCaPE: MMB5 Muscle Physiology

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #5Muscle Physiology Weight Lifting Competition Difficulty  3.6/5 Reset ⏲️ Ibrahim is training for a weight lifting competition. He constantly works out, but one day he couldn’t go to training complaining of stiffness in his back and pain down his leg. 5 minutes Q1) What type of muscle fibre is used in […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB 4 – Muscle Electrics Lab

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #4MMB Muscle EMG Lab Difficulty  5/5 Author: Joel Mitchell  Reset ⏲️ 10 minutes | 40 marks Q1) Why is the abductor minimi muscle not stimulated directly? Show answer to Q1 Direct electrical stimulation of muscle causes recruitment of large motor units first as it is the path of least resistance.   […]

All Upper Limb Pathologies on one page! | MMB

interactive arm | MMB Click on the icons to see all the pathologies for the upper limb. This is a great resource for those who want to visually picture all the different pathologies. Best viewed on a big screen – doesn’t work well on phones Clavicle Fracture ⚡ Supraclavicular nerve (C3-C4) KO Loss of sensation […]

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on Normal and Abnormal Bone Growth

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – NORMAL AND ABNORMAL BONE GROWTH Similar resources: mmbanatomytips growth plate, normal and abnormal bone growth, achondroplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, cretinism, seckel syndrome, acromegaly, gigantism 

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – BONE AND SOFT TISSUE TUMOURS Similar resources:  OtherMMBDiseases metaplasia, dysplasia, neoplasia, anaplasia, carcinoma, sarcoma, lipoma, uterine fibroid, giant cell tumour of bone, chondrosarcoma, Codman’s triangle, osteosarcoma

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on The Red Hot Joint

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – THE RED HOT JOINT Similar resources:  OtherMMBDiseases rubor, calor, tumor, dolor, functio laesa, inflammation, red hot joint, gout, septic arthritis  Cardinal Signs of Inflammation:• Rubor- (redness) dilation of blood vessels• Calor- (heat) increased blood flow/ chemical mediators• Tumor- (swelling) oedema (fluid in extracellular space)• Dolor- (pain) stretching of tissues due […]

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on The Neuromuscular Junction

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – the neuromuscular junction Similar resources: mmbanatomytips Ach, acetylcholine, NMJ, neuromuscular junction, tetanus, isometric, isotonic, shortening muscle fibres quanta, MEPPs

Y2 Notes: MMB Notes on Connective Tissue Fibrous Proteins

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 MMB – connective tissue fibrous proteins Similar resources: mmbanatomytips  OtherMMBDiseases  fibrous proteins, keratin, elastin, collagen, procollogen, tropocollagen, osteogenesis imperfecta, ehlers-danlos, scurvy, lathyrism, collagen defects and diseases