Y2 OCaPE: MMB6 Wrist Issues

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #6Wrist Problems Difficulty  5/5 Reset ⏲️ Timmothy is a writer. He has recently experienced tingling in his hand which has been waking him up at night. He has recently needed to ‘shake his hands out’ more frequently and has found it difficult to type for long periods of time. He is […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB5 Muscle Physiology

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #5Muscle Physiology Weight Lifting Competition Difficulty  3.6/5 Reset ⏲️ Ibrahim is training for a weight lifting competition. He constantly works out, but one day he couldn’t go to training complaining of stiffness in his back and pain down his leg. 5 minutes Q1) What type of muscle fibre is used in […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB 4 – Muscle Electrics Lab

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #4MMB Muscle EMG Lab Difficulty  5/5 Author: Joel Mitchell  Reset ⏲️ 10 minutes | 40 marks Q1) Why is the abductor minimi muscle not stimulated directly? Show answer to Q1 Direct electrical stimulation of muscle causes recruitment of large motor units first as it is the path of least resistance.   […]

Y2 OCaPE: MMB 3 – Johnny Crosses the Road

❌🧇 OCaPE: MMB #3Timmy Crosses the Road… View interactive version below or download this OCaPE as a printable PDF here (free) Reset ⏲️ Student Scenario: 3-year-old Tommy comes into A&E with his mother, crying in pain. His mother says they were holding hands as they were crossing the road and she pulled his hand to […]


❌🧇 Virology revision mindmap Content by Maryam Imran On this page you will find bullet point summaries of major topics in virology. These do not give explanations but are very useful to use as checklists of all the detail. Some sections are more detailed than the main high yield stuff you need to know for […]

Video: All the important muscle physiology | MMB

❌🧇 All the Important concepts for muscle physiology | MMB  00:00 Timestamps 00:30 Sarcomere contraction – actin & myosin 2:33 Length-tension relationship of muscles 3:25 Isotonic Vs Isometric muscle contractions & eccentric vs concentric 5:20 Fast Vs Slow Muscle Twitch 7:37 Nerves – what is a motor unit vs motor pool 8:36 Size Recruitment Principle […]

Video: Gangrene | MMB

❌🧇 video: gangrene infections – strep pyogenes & clostridium perfringens Similar resources: OtherMMBDiseases, Alan Bates, MMB MMBvideos video

All Upper Limb Pathologies on one page! | MMB

interactive arm | MMB Click on the icons to see all the pathologies for the upper limb. This is a great resource for those who want to visually picture all the different pathologies. Best viewed on a big screen – doesn’t work well on phones Clavicle Fracture ⚡ Supraclavicular nerve (C3-C4) KO Loss of sensation […]

Video: MMB Lower Limb Summary | Gold for Revision

Video: Overview of upper limb anatomy | MMBmarisedIn This video is intended to provide a big picture about the lower limb to make it easier to study lower limb anatomy, with simplifications and memory techniques. It does not provide extensive detail, nor does it have all the the information on how the lower limb works […]

Flashcards: Collagen Defects | MMB

❌🧇 Flashcard: collagen synthesis and defects | mmb Similar resources: OtherMMBDiseases ,  Charmian Dawson, Charmane Dawson, Alan Bates Steve Perkins, fibrous proteins 1) Cell secretes 3chains which form aPROCOLLAGEN triplehelix.The chains are held togetherby disulphide bridges .Procollagen contains a lot ofglycine & proline 1.5) An enzyme calledprolyl hydroxylaseconvertsproline +(🍊vitamin C cofactor)→ hydroxyproline 2) This is […]