Y2 Pharm Notes: Cancer Chemotherapy

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 pharm – cancer chemotherapy Similar resources: Paraneoplastic Syndrome: Cachexia: Hormone Based therapy • Protein Kinases inhibitors • Monoclonal antibodies • antineoplastic drugs • cell based therapies Goldie-Coldman hypothesis: o the probability of a resistance cell occurring = number of cells x mutation rate • Combining drugs works better if: o there is […]

Y2 Pharm Notes: Congestive Heart Failure

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 pharm – Congestive heart failure Similar resources: Y2heartpharm, CHF, vasodilators anti-thrombotic- warfarin (anticoagulant), aspirin (antiplatelet) o statin- only help patients with hypercholesterolaemia or ischaemic heart disease o non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker- (verapamil) harmful due to negative inotropic action o NSAIDs- (ibuprofen)- promotes water and salt retention (harmful) Beta-Blockers: bisoprolol, carvedilol, ramipiril, captopril, […]

Y2 Pharm Notes: Antivirals

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 GDC Pharm – antivirals Similar resources: • Viral Life Cycle:1. attachment and entry2. viral nucleic acid replication3. production and processing of viral proteins and coat assembly of virions4. viral release and shedding• Targets:1. attachment2. reverse transcriptase3. viral protease4. viral DNA polymerase5. protein translation and assembly of virus6. inhibit viral shedding• Nucleoside Reverse […]

Y2 Pharm Notes: Antibiotics

❌🧇 Notes: Y2 GDC Pharm – antibiotics Similar resources: GDC pharm immunedrugs  Pharmacology: Pharmacology ofAntibacterial Drugs• bactericidal antibiotics- kill bacteria• bacteriostatic antibiotics- slow bacteria proliferation by lowering divisions• Targets for bacteria:o Cell wall synthesis or destruction▪ gram positive: peptidoglycan (stains purple)▪ gram negative: lipopolysaccharide (stain pink)▪ mycobacteria: mycolic acid▪ fungi: ergosterol cell wall composition▪ beta-lactams […]