Y1 Notes: Genetics

❌🧇 Notes: Y1 FHMP – Genetics Similar resources: fhmpgenetics , genetics, DNA, DNA replication, DNA transcription, DNA translation, mitosis, meiosis, inheritance, DNA cloning, Hardy-Weinberg, Mendel, central dogma, wobble mechanism, lac operon 

FHMP Enzymes: Summary Notes

🖋️ Summary Notes: Enzymes | FHMP FHMP, y1FHMPPhysiology, Charmian Dawson, Enzymes, Km, competitive inhibitor, reversible inhibitor, vmax, 1/2 max, isozyme, substrate, linewaver-burk plot Similar resources:

FHMP: Genetics Summary

Oopsies. The interactive version of this page only works on laptops/tablets 🙁  (It’s really good though we promise) You can download a PDF of the resource here: Download as a PDF here (free) FHMP: Cell Cycle & DNA Summary Explore this interactive overview guide to FHMP genetics by hovering over question mark ? icons  or […]

Video: Haemostasis & Clotting Cascade Summarised

🎥 Video: Haemostasis & clotting cascade summarised | FHMPmarised https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hei7OGQIOlE Keywords: Cohen, FHMP, y1FHMPHaem , FHMPGold  Intro to Haemostasis Platelet plug is an example of positive feedback Von Willebrand Factor as an anchor for platelets  Intro to clotting cascade Intrinsic pathway Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time APTT VWF is a wingman for factor 8 , VW […]