Y2 OCaPE: ESR 6 – infertility clinic

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #6 Bob & Boberta at the Fertility Clinic Difficulty  3/5 Reset ⏲️ One fine summer’s day, Bobert and Boberta, aged 41 and 36 respectively, present to your fertility clinic. They have been trying for a baby for 25 months, to no success. Taking a history from Boberta reveals her BMI is […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 5 Mrs Gertrude’s Banana Slip – Spine

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #5 Mrs Gertrude Slips on a Banana Difficulty  3/5 Reset ⏲️ A 57 year old woman, Gertrude Smith comes to AE after slipping on a banana peel. She is in pain and points to her lower back. You take a CT scan of her lower back Mrs Gerturde enjoys the occasional […]