Y2 OCaPE: ESR 4 Thirst, Fatigue & Polyuria

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #4Thirst, fatigue, polyuria Difficulty  3.6/5 Download this station as a printable PDF here Reset ⏲️ You are a second year medical student at a GP placement. A patient complains of excessive thirst, fatigue, and polyuria. He also has a headache. You measure his Blood Pressure, which is 170/95.   5 minutes […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 3 Pregnancy Test

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #3Pregnancy Test Difficulty  3.6/5 Reset ⏲️ You are a second year medical student at a reproductive health clinic. A patient presents: A lady has just come into the clinic and says she is pregnant following a pregnancy test!   The lady says however that she has lost a lot of weight, […]

Y2 OCaPE: ESR 2 – Low Cortisol

❌🧇 OCaPE: ESR #2 Low Cortisol Difficulty  2.7/5 Author: Joel Mitchell  Reset ⏲️ You are a second year medical student at an endocrine clinic. A patient presents: History: HIV positive female Presentation: feels constantly tired and weak, thirsty all the time, low mood and loss of appetite. Persistent weight loss. Persistent cough, fever and […]