Head & Neck Anatomy

5 minutes
Diagram A - Label the two sutures shown above
Coronal Suture, Saggital suture (1 mark)
What is the condition called when the sutures fuse early?
Craniosynostosis (2)
Which suture is most likely to fuse prematurely?
Saggital suture (1)
Name the following foramen and the structures that pass through them
(5 – borderline if only gets the names of the structures)
What nerve is most important in swallowing?
Vagus (1)
Name three muscles this nerve innervates and explain how they are involved in swallowing?
Suprahyoids – raise larynx
Infrahyoids – lower larynx
Cricothyroid / cricoarytenoid / aryepiglottic – seal of epliglottis
(5 marks)
Differentiate between the two types of nosebleeds.
Kiesselbach’s – anterior – arteries involved
Woodruff’s – posterior – venous – more dangerous (3 marks)
Identify the locations of the sinus that drain into the middle meatus.
Key Concepts for this station:
-Go through at least monthly and go through your head and neck notes and use apps e.g. 3D Body by Elsevier to visualise every structure