πŸ–‹οΈ Interactive Notes: Overview of Neuropharm | NSB

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s Disease is a hypokinetic neurological disorder that leads to the degeneration of the substantia nigra pars compacta

so less dopamine is produced for the basal ganglia

πŸ’ŠL-DOPA- synthetic dopamine

πŸ’ŠRopinirole– D2 receptor agonist

πŸ’ŠApomorphine– D1 and D2 receptor agonist

πŸ’ŠAmantadine blocks dopamine reuptake channel

πŸ’ŠDomperidone D2 antagonist (stops nausea and vomiting by preventing dopamine activating the chemoreceptor trigger zone.

πŸ’Š Selegiline + Entacopone drugs that allow dopamine to remain
in high quantities in the CNS, without being further
converted to other products

πŸ’ŠCarbidopa dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor (prevents
dopamine leaving the CNS to the PNS)

Anxiety & Sleep Disorders

OCD, PTSD, phobias, panic, social anxiety, generalised anxiety disorders
(due to increased glutaminergic activity (treat by increasing GABA activity)

πŸ’Š Benzodiazepines (“-lam/-pam”)

  • GABAa agonists. open Cl- channels more frequently for more hyperpolarisation.
    (bind at the alpha-gamma junction on the GABA channel)
  • Good for sedative, muscle relaxant, amnesia (surgeries)

    4 Hours: Midazolam
    15 Hours: lorazepam, oxazepam, temazepam
    24 Hours: alprazolam, nitrazepam
    48 Hours: chlordiazepoxide (lithium) diazepam (valium)
    60 Hours: clonazepam, flurazepam

  • Side Effects: confusion, drowsiness, tolerance, dependence (tremor), respiratory depression 🫁 with alcohol

(Flumazenil- used in BDZ overdose)

πŸ’Š Buspirone- for general anxiety. (5HT agonist)

πŸ’Š Barbiturates:
cause respiratory depression

  • thiopental- anaesthetic
  • phenobarbitone- epilepsy


antihistamines (H1), nytol, valerenic acid (valarion extract)
chlormethiazole- for elderly as no hang-over effect
Insomnia: transient -> intermediate -> chronic

😴 Z-drugs: (zzzz for sleep)
Zolpidem, zopiclone (REM deficiency)

Anaesthetics 😴

General Anaesthetics enhance GABA (inhibitory = sleepy) receptors, apart from NOx which acts on NMDA (glutamate-R)

πŸ’ŠLocal anaesthetics (“-caine”) work by blocking Na+ channels to stop pain action potentials

Amide Types:

  • (‘i’ before the “-caine”)
  • Lidocaine, Prilocaine
  • metabolised in liver

Ester Types:

  • (no ‘i’ before the “-caine”)
  • procaine, tetracaine
  • metabolised in blood

πŸ’ŠGeneral Anaesthetics (“-caine”) (drug induced reversible loss of consciousness)

Β Inhaled- (maintain anaesthetic):

  • isoflurane, desflurane – GABA
  • nitrous oxide, xenon, ketamine
    • block NMDA (non-competitive), so Ca2+ cannot carry the pain signals to the post-synaptic neurone
Β Intravenous (induce anaesthesia)Β 
  • thiopentone, propofol, etomidate
    • keep GABAa open for hyperpolarisation of post-synaptic neuron

Huntington's Disease

Huntington’s Disease occurs due to degeneration of the indirect pathway & overstimulation of dopamine receptors which cause hyperkinetic movement

πŸ’ŠTetrabenazine- dopamine depletion (inhibit nigrostriatal pathway)

πŸ’ŠRestless leg – ropinirole (D2 agonist – desensitise to movement)

πŸ’ŠTourettes – haloperidol (D2 antagonist)

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Parasympathetic nervous system works on muscarinic (Ach) receptors

Muscarinic Agonist

πŸ’Š Pilocarpine (used in glaucoma – increases trabecular outflow)

Muscarinic Antagonist

πŸ’Š atropine
πŸ’Š tropicamide


  • Epileptic Seizure- a seizure resulting from epilepsy (excess activity of
    neurones in the brain)
  • Epileptic Disorder- chronic neurological condition characterised by
    recurrent epileptic seizures
  • Seizure- sudden, short event involving a change in a person’s awareness of
    where they are or what they are doing, their behaviour or feelings.
  • Status Epilepticus = seizure longer than 5 minutes (treat with lorazepam)


To treat epilepsy, need to dampen neuronal hyperexcitability (reduce
excitation/ increase inhibitory influences)

  • a ketogenic diet may help children who have epilepsy

πŸ’ŠΒ  Na+ channel blockers: carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproate, lamotrigine
πŸ’ŠΒ  Ca2+ channel blockers: ethosuximide, gapapentine
πŸ’ŠΒ  GABA breakdown inhibitors: valproate, vigabatrin (keeps GABA working to hyperpolarise cells)
πŸ’ŠΒ GABAa modulator: benzodiazepines
πŸ’ŠΒ NMDA antagonist: felbamate
πŸ’ŠΒ AMPA antagonist: perampanel
πŸ’ŠΒ Vesicle depletion: levetiracetam (reduce glutamate release)
πŸ’ŠΒ GABA reuptake blocks: tiagabine (also used for anxiety)

unipolar depression & bipolar


Characterised by:

  • Dysphoria (low mood)
  • Anhedonia (lack of positive feelings)

Can be treated with:

  • Electroconvulsion Therapy- non-responsive depression (controversial therapy due to misuse histroically)
  • Lithium and ketamineΒ 

πŸ’Š Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs):

  • imipramine, amitriptyline, clomipramine
  • block 5HT and noradrenaline (NA) reuptake transporters
  • 2-3 weeks to take effect
  • not a very selective drug
  • Cardiotoxic


Β πŸ’Š Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs):

  • sertraline, fluoxetine, citalopram
  • blocks 5HT reuptake transprters (SERT) (safe in overdose)


πŸ’Š Selective Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs):

  • venlafaxine, maprotiline
  • blocks NA reuptake transporters (NET)


πŸ’Š Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs):

  • phenelzine
  • inhibit MAO, so monoamines can remain in high quantities in the synapse
  • Side effect: Cheese Reaction- consuming foods with high tyramine

neuromuscular junction (NMJ)


Pain can either be

  • Inflammatory – as a result of tissue damage πŸ™
  • Neuropathic – pain neurones being overactive (this pain tends to be chronic)

πŸ”₯ InflammatoryΒ pain


  • Aspirin (COX-1 inhibitor)
  • ibuprofen (COX-1 inhibitor)
  • diclofenac (COX-2 inhibitor)

Steroids (SAIDS)

  • hydrocortisol, cortisone
    • (block conversion of phospholipids to arachidonic acid)


  • sumatriptan (‘-triptan” used for headaches and migraine
    • inhibit 5HT receptors vasodilation


⚑ Neuropathic Pain

  • Na+ channel blockers- carbamazepine
  • Ca2+ channel blockers- gabapentin, pregabalin
  • NMDA blockers-
  • ketamine (extreme pain)
  • antidepressants



  • Mu, delta, kappa receptors.
    • Mu- opiates
      • Mu receptors- morphine, codeine, fentanyl (mimics endorphin,
        opens K+ channels, hyperpolarising the post-synaptic neurone,
        so pain signal cannot continue)
    • delta- enkephalins
    • kappa- dynorphin


πŸ’Š naloxone- opiate antagonist (give for overdose)


Paracetamol. (in overdose, treat with activated charcoal in first
hour, then use acetylcysteine) (can lead to hepatotoxicity)


Schizophrenia- excess dopamine (so give dopamine antagonists). Leads to positive (auditory/visual hallucinations)Β  and negative symptoms (withdrawal, lack of pleasure)

Β Typical Antipsychotics:

  • chlorpromazine (aplastic anaemia)
  • flupenthixol
  • haloperidol
  • D2 antagonists, targets positive symptoms
  • Side effects: movement disorders (extrapyramidal symptoms), hyperprolactinaemia

Atypical Antipsychotics: (first-line)

  • clozapine (agranulocytosis)
  • risperidone
  • olanzapine
  • D2 and 5HT antagonists, targets positive and negative symptoms
  • same side effects as typical antipsychotics, but less severe, + weight gain

Aripiprazole: (third generation)

  • D2 agonist,
  • 5HT1a agonist, 5HT2a antagonist
  • targets positive and negative symptoms and hallucinations
  • side effects: weight gain, hyperprolactinaemia. Much less EPS side effects πŸ™‚

Neuropharm, NMJ, P450