Notes: nsb neuroscience - somatosensory pathways
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Y2, Y2Notes, Y2 NSB, Neuro Notes, Neuroscience, Christopher Yeo, Chris Yeo, NSBNeuro
3 major spinal sensory pathways to the brain:
o dorsal column medial lemniscus- discriminative touch
o spinothalamic tract- pain and temperature
o spinocerebellar tract- proprioception of legs and lower trunk (uses
Clarke’s column)
▪ muscle spindles via dorsal spinocerebellar tract
▪ Golgi tendon organs via ventral spinocerebellar tract
▪ Cuneocerebellar tract is the upper body equivalent of the dorsal
spinocerebellar tract
• spinothalamic decussates at the spinal cord level
• dorsal column decussates at medulla
• the two tracts unite at the midbrain-thalamic level and co to the contralateral
cortex, which receives all the information for a certain body part (pain and
Dorsal Column Syndromes: (deficits in touch and proprioception)
o Tabes dorsalis- neurosyphilis attacks dorsal columns (stamping gait)
o Friedreich’s ataxia- genetic degenerative disease of dorsal column and
spinocerebellar tracts
o Brown-Sequard syndrome- spinal cord hemisection
▪ injury has hemisected the spinal cord on the left side at T10
▪ loss of touch and proprioception ipsilaterally
▪ loss of pain and temperature sensation contralaterally
N&B Neuroscience: Somatosensory
System 2 – Somatosensory Pathways
Spinothalamic Syndromes: (deficits in pain and temperature)
o anterior spinal artery syndrome- atherosclerosis or spinal injury
o syringomyelia- occlusion of crossing pathways by degenerative
expansion of the spinal central canal (syrinx)
• Primary Somatosensory Cortex (S1):
o topographic map of contralateral body surface in the post-central gyrus
o Sub-divisions of the postcentral gyrus. 3a→3b→1→2→5
▪ the receptive fields increase in size and complexity as you move
from area 3b (fingertips)→ 5 (fingers and part of palm) (build
complexity for feature extraction)
▪ orientation selective- you can tell which direction you hold
something in your hand (which axis a stick is held)
▪ direction selective- you can feel the direction if someone
stroked your hand, where the start and end point is of the
▪ 3b is divided into microdomains representing the different classes
of skin receptors (Merkel’s disks, Meissner corpuscles)
o Phantom somatosensory representation
▪ phantom limbs- feel like a limb is there when it isn’t
▪ referred phantom limbs- feel like a part of a limb that isn’t there
is felt on another part of the body that is there (due to collaterals
branching in the somatosensory cortex, so neural activity remains
N&B Neuroscience: Somatosensory
System 2 – Somatosensory Pathways
o Referred Pain- pain from viscera is usually interpreted as somatic and
relates to the myotome from which they developed embryologically. The
embryological structures migrate so pain can be quite far from the
▪ C3-C4 (scapular area) = diaphragm
▪ T1-T8 = heart
▪ T10 = appendix
▪ T10-T12 = testes, prostate/ ovaries, uterus