ð¥ Video: Haemostasis & clotting cascade summarised | FHMPmarised
Keywords: Cohen, FHMP, y1FHMPHaem , FHMPGold
 Intro to Haemostasis Platelet plug is an example of positive feedback Von Willebrand Factor as an anchor for platelets  Intro to clotting cascade Intrinsic pathway Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time APTT VWF is a wingman for factor 8 , VW disease
 Haemophillia A & B | X linked recessive Extrinsic pathway, prothrombin time PT, tissue factor Tissue factor pathway inhibitor inhibits TFPI , factor 7  , final common pathway , Fibrin, positive feedback 8a , 5a, 11a  Prothrombin time , Vitamin K, Protein C, and Protein S cofactor Heparin | Anti-thrombin | DVT | VTE  Fibrinolysis, coagulation cascade , y1FHMPPhysiology, FHMP Haemotology,Â