πŸ–‹οΈ Notes: nsb neuroanat forebrain 3

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β€’ Alzheimer’s Disease-
o shrinkage of the forebrain, expansion of the sulci and ventricles as brain

tissue is lost (due to amyloid changing tau protein, which spreads like a
o cholinergic input increases cortical activity of the cerebral cortex
β–ͺ Nucleus basalis of Meynert supplies the neocortex with
cholinergic fibres (the nucleus degenerates early in Alzheimer’s,
so lower cortical activity)

Basal Ganglia:
β€’ nuclei deep in the brain for motor function
β€’ if these sites are damaged = Huntington’s or Parkinson’s β†’ dyskinesias
(involuntary erratic movement)
β€’ Structures:
o globus pallidus
o putamen
o caudate nucleus
o subthalamic nucleus
o substantia nigra
β–ͺ Lentiform nucleus = putamen + globus pallidus
β–ͺ Neostriatum (striatum) = putamen + caudate nucleus
β–ͺ substantia nigra degeneration = Parkinson’s (hypokinetic
β–ͺ Striatal degeneration = Huntington’s disease (hyperkinetic
β–ͺ subthalamic nucleus lesion = Hemiballismus (jerky upper
limb) (hyperkinetic disorder)

Neuroanatomy: Forebrain 2
Internal Capsule:
β€’ anterior limb (between caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus) (fibres run from
thalamus to frontal lobe)
β€’ genu- bend in the internal capsule (fibres for corticonuclear tract)
β€’ posterior limb- corticospinal tract
β€’ Blood supply of internal capsule:
o striate arteries from middle cerebral artery (from internal carotid artery)
o thalamus is supplied by the posterior cerebral artery
Direct and Indirect Pathway for movement from the Basal Ganglia:

β€’ Corticostriate Pathway
β€’ Nigrostriatal Pathway

Limbic Loop through the basal ganglia:
β€’ reward pathway
β€’ nucleus accumbens β†’ ventral pallidum β†’ dorsomedial thalamus β†’ prefrontal
β€’ ventral tegmental area is the dopaminergic nucleus for the nucleus accumbens

Neuroanatomy: Forebrain 2
Braak Staging of Parkinson’s Disease:
β€’ way to show the pathological progression of Parkinson’s

β€’ Hemiplegic stroke-
o paralysis of the muscles of the lower face, arm, and leg on one side of

the body
o damage to the corticospinal tract of one hemisphere